In the shifting labyrinth of the Ghost Archipelago, there is one group of islands that can almost always be found; the Islands of Fire. Surrounded by a grey haze of sooty smoke, the islands contain numerous active volcanoes. Despite the constant threat of annihilation, many tribal groups call these islands home, building their villages on the rocky slopes or in the black jungles of gnarled and stunted trees that surround the mountains. In this supplement for Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago, the Heritors lead their crew to these blighted isles in search of clues to the location of the Crystal Pool. Containing a host of new scenarios, crewmen types, creatures, and treasure, this volume also includes guidelines for building unique tribes to use as adversaries in scenarios or as allies to the Heritors in their quest.
Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago: Gods of Fire
Joseph A. McCullough
A supplement for Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago, featuring new scenarios, creatures, crew options, and treasure.Game Details
Imprint: Osprey Games
Publication Date: 20-09-2018About the Designer
Joseph A. McCullough is the author of several non-fiction books including A Pocket History of Ireland, Zombies: A Hunter's Guide, and Dragonslayers: From Beowulf to St. George. In addition, his fantasy short stories have appeared in various books and magazines such as Black Gate, Lords of Swords, and Adventure Mystery Tales. He is also the creator of the wargame, Frostgrave: Fantasy Wargames in the Frozen City, and co-wrote The Grey Mountains, a supplement for the Middle-Earth Role-Playing Game. His continued ramblings can be read at: Sold
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