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Two armies prepare for war. Thor, surrounded by crackling lightning, leads the assault of a horde of Viking berserkers. Preparing to receive this charge stands a wall of grim-faced, determined Spartan hoplites, commanded by Ares himself' Of Gods and Mortals is a skirmish wargame that gives players the opportunity to command the greatest heroes, warriors and monsters of legend ' and the gods and goddesses that ruled over them. Whether you want to lead the forces of Greek, Egyptian, Celtic or Norse mythology to battle, or build your own pantheon, Of Gods and Mortals presents everything you need. Each player takes control of a god, a handful of legendary characters and a number of mortal troops, forming a warband that must work in harmony to succeed. Although the gods are incredibly powerful, they are only as strong as the faith of the mortals who follow them ' if their worshippers are cut down, gods become weaker, and if a deity is vanquished in combat, its followers may flee the field of battle. Success lies in employing a strategy that uses all your troops, from the mightiest to the most humble, as effectively as possible.

Of Gods and Mortals

  • Andrea Sfiligoi

    A set of skirmish wargaming rules for fighting battles between the great pantheons and heroes of mythology.
  • Game Details

    Imprint: Osprey Games
    Publication Date: 20-10-2013
  • About the Designer

    Andrea Sfiligoi is one of those few, lucky fellows who can claim they are 'working' while playing with toy soldiers. The success of his Song of Blades and Heroes line of wargame and roleplaying books, published by Ganesha Games, convinced him to stop doing what he was doing before and write games for a living. Of Gods and Mortals is his first book for Osprey Publishing.
  • Rights Sold

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